Which platforms to use for web application development?
The .NET Framework gathers all the technologies needed for structuring Windows desktop applications, web applications, web services, and more into a single package. Then, makes them existing to many programming languages. To speak that ASP.NET uses the .NET Framework is really a complete irony. ASP.NET is essentially the web version of what the .NET Framework is to the Windows desktop application world. For example, if your friend wrote a really neat encryption library using .NET for a Windows desktop application, that code could be easily used within an ASP.NET web application with a little or no changes.
Platform module in Python
What is it for?
The platform module in Python is used to access the underlying platform’s data,
such as operating system, hardware, and interpreter version information.
The platform module comprises tools to see the platform’s hardware, interpreter version information, and operating system, where the program is running.
How do I utilize it?
Begin by importing the platform module in your program, specify what you want to find out. Let’s say, if you want to find out which python version you are using, simply add python_version() to the platform, print platform.python_version() This will return the Python version as a string.
On my computer it looks like this:
Top PHP platforms for web application development
PHP frameworks deliver great help to businesses, mostly those that are starting up, that do not have a big budget to get a dynamic, interactive web application developed. PHP first appeared in 1995 and since then, frameworks based on it have greatly evolved to power a variety of websites and applications. Also, these PHP frameworks improved the scalability and lasting maintenance of any application made using them.
Today, we have more than one solid PHP frameworks out there. Here are some most popular frameworks that are used by developers around the world.
Symfony is widely-used PHP frameworks for enterprise website and web application development. This free platform has become famed as it allows everything in the process of development to be adapted to the requirements of applications.
Laravel is another most popular PHP framework in website & web application development industry. It fits almost all sorts of development requirements. Laravel is known for its straightforwardness and sophistication. It’s also a solid framework as it is built on top of those components which are also available in Symfony.
Codelgniter is not affected to a large level, but developers have adopted it as a powerful PHP framework. It offers a simple toolkit to develop feature-rich websites and web applications. It uses an MVC controller approach that makes it faster in comparison to other frameworks.
CakePHP is extensively-used PHP framework. Programmers use CakePHP to easily spin up website and web application development projects. It uses MVC convention that makes it a flexible architecture for quick operation of applications.
Phalcon is also an open source web framework written in C language. There is no need to learn C language to work with Phalcon framework. It offers high presentation and platform independence.